Tarot Card Meanings: The Sun

Tarot Card Meanings: The Sun

“The Sun,” a card radiating with positivity and vibrancy, is numbered XIX in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. This card symbolizes success, joy, and enlightenment, representing the abundance and radiance that life offers. “The Sun” is often viewed as one of the most favorable cards in the tarot, reflecting happiness, vitality, and clarity.

Imagery and Symbolism

The imagery of “The Sun” typically features a bright sun shining in the sky, often with a smiling face, casting its rays upon the land below. In the foreground, there is usually a child or children playing joyfully, representing innocence, freedom, and the joy of being. The children are often depicted riding a white horse, symbolizing purity, success, and the triumphant spirit.

The sunflowers commonly seen in the card’s imagery represent loyalty and adoration, reflecting the idea of turning towards a source of light and life. The wall or garden in the background signifies a safe and secure environment, where one can freely express joy and happiness.

Interpretations of “The Sun”

  1. Joy and Success: “The Sun” is a symbol of joy, success, and fulfillment. It suggests a time of happiness and positive outcomes in various aspects of life.
  2. Clarity and Enlightenment: This card represents clarity of thought and enlightenment. It’s about understanding and insight, often after a period of confusion or darkness.
  3. Vitality and Energy: “The Sun” signifies vitality and a vibrant life force. It encourages embracing life with energy and enthusiasm.
  4. Optimism and Positivity: The card encourages an optimistic outlook and positive thinking. It’s a reminder of the power of a positive mindset in overcoming challenges.
  5. Celebration and Achievement: “The Sun” often indicates a time for celebration, reflecting achievement, and the accomplishment of goals.

“The Sun” in Readings

In tarot readings, “The Sun” is often a very welcome card, indicating that things are moving in a positive direction. It can signify that the querent is in a period of joy, clarity, and success. The card may also be a reminder to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and to maintain a positive attitude.


“The Sun” in the tarot deck is a powerful symbol of the joy, vitality, and abundance of life. It reflects the highest aspirations of happiness, success, and clarity. As a beacon of positivity, “The Sun” invites us to embrace the warmth and energy it brings, encouraging us to step into the light with confidence and joy. It reminds us of the importance of optimism, the celebration of achievements, and the simple pleasure of being alive.

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