Tarot Card Meanings: Temperance

Tarot Card Meanings: Temperance

“Temperance,” a card of harmony and equilibrium, is a significant part of the tarot’s Major Arcana, typically numbered XIV. This card embodies the concept of moderation and the blending of opposites, representing balance, patience, and purpose. Unlike other more dynamic cards, “Temperance” suggests a peaceful blending of elements and a steady path towards self-improvement and alignment.

Imagery and Symbolism

The imagery of “Temperance” often shows an angelic figure, sometimes androgynous, mixing water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. The angel typically has one foot on land and one in water, illustrating the balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

The cups represent the subconscious and conscious minds, and the act of mixing water symbolizes the integration of different aspects of life. The angel’s wings denote spiritual guidance and enlightenment, while the path leading to a distant mountain in many depictions suggests a journey towards higher understanding or goals.

Interpretations of “Temperance”

  1. Balance and Moderation: “Temperance” signifies the importance of balance in various aspects of life. It encourages moderation and finding a middle ground in both attitudes and actions.
  2. Harmony and Alignment: This card suggests a harmonious blending of opposites, whether in thoughts, emotions, or interactions with others. It’s about achieving inner and outer alignment.
  3. Patience and Purpose: “Temperance” also represents patience and understanding that things develop in their own time. It’s a reminder of the value of gradual progress and purposeful action.
  4. Self-Control and Adaptability: The card encourages self-control and adaptability, suggesting the need to stay calm and composed, even in challenging situations.
  5. Healing and Renewal: Often, “Temperance” can indicate a time of healing and personal renewal, emphasizing the need for a gentle, nurturing approach to self and others.

“Temperance” in Readings

In tarot readings, “Temperance” often appears when the querent needs to focus on finding balance and harmony in their life. It may suggest the need to moderate extreme behaviors or to integrate opposing aspects of oneself. This card can also indicate that patience and steady progress will lead to the successful achievement of long-term goals.


“Temperance” in the tarot deck is a symbol of the calm, deliberate journey towards balance and integration. It teaches us the power of moderation and the importance of blending various aspects of our lives into a harmonious whole. As a card of healing, alignment, and purpose, “Temperance” encourages us to approach life with patience and understanding, reminding us that balance is key to a fulfilling and meaningful existence.

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